Corporate Office: 423-671-7575
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    Project Details

  • Market:
  • Location: Cartersville, Georgia

CCR Cells 3 + 4

Scope of Work: 

This project involved the construction of storage cells, clay liner, and HDPE liner for CCR cells 3 and 4.  Project details:

  • 92 acres of clearing and grubbing and extensive rock blasting
  • Excavation, segregation and stockpiling of 500,000 cubic yards of excavated materials
  • Haul and placement of structural fill to construct Cells 3 and 4
  • Mine and mechanically screen on site over 200,000 cubic yards of clay liner material
  • Install 200,000 square feet of HDPE liner and drainage structures
  • Construct a lined detention pond, lined drainage channels/ditches/structures